Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the moderators.

  1. Be respectful to each other. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but please remember that we are showing appreciation to fan works here. You don't have to be a fan of everyone, but you also don't have to spread negativity. Such behavior is uncalled for, and may result in a ban.
  2. This server aims to be as inclusive as possible. Fandom has many aspects to it, some of which can be controversial. Just because you may not agree with it does not mean that it should be outright banned. Mastodon offers filters for removing unwanted content.
  3. Use hashtags where appropriate. Hashtags will be required if the content falls into one of the following categories: -- Graphic depictions of violence (#violence) -- Rape/non-con (#non-con) -- Underage (#underage) -- Adult material (#nsfw)
  4. Also, tag any ships with the primary tag used in the fandom (I.E. #inukag for Inuyasha/Kagome from Inuyasha content). This will better help the content reach the desired audience and keep it away from those who do not want to see it.
  5. NSFW content is allowed. However, it MUST be tagged (#nsfw) and be given a content warning. If the content is a photo, video, or some other form of visual content, all characters MUST be of legal age (18 or older).
  6. Be kind and supportive of artists. Try your best to get approval from the artist before sharing their work and at the very least link to where you originally found it.